Chairman of the NSW Liberals & Nationals WasteWatch Committee, Jonathan O’Dea today highlighted a staggering rort in the latest NSW Auditor General’s report: in the past financial year, 13 Sydney Water employees more than doubled their base salary through overtime payments.
Page 87 of the Auditor General's report shows the cost of overtime to the 13 employees totalled a staggering $811,000 ($62,384 each on average) while total overtime payments to almost 1,670 employees (52.5% of total staff) reached $24.3 million1.
“While Sydney families struggle with increasing water charges, Sydney Water appears to be splashing taxpayers money around like drunken sailors,” Mr O’Dea said.
"These employees earned more in over time than their entire salary, effectively doubling their pay through the back door," he said.
“The report also expressed concern the high levels of overtime could lead to occupational health and safety issues. Not surprisingly, the Auditor General has recommended Sydney Water review the effectiveness of its existing policies for managing overtime.
“A further example of NSW Labor’s costly mismanagement is the use of contractors by agencies such as the Sydney Catchment Authority.
“Over the past financial year, the Authority engaged 17 contractors at a total cost of $1.1 million, with one of these contractors engaged continuously for 6 years and another paid $362,000 for input to the Authority’s submission on the NSW Government’s 2010 Metropolitan Water Plan2.
“The Auditor General has rightly warned that the retention of contract employees for extended periods may result in additional costs to the Authority – costs that must ultimately be paid for by water users and families,” Mr O’Dea said.
“The report recommends the Authority review its practices relating to contract employees. The Keneally Labor Government also needs to review its practices through ensuring money leaks, like water leaks, are stopped and water customers receive value for money,” Mr O’Dea said.
1NSW Auditor-General, Auditor-General’s Report to Parliament, Volume Seven 2010, 87
2NSW Auditor-General, Auditor-General’s Report to Parliament, Volume Seven 2010, 71