Liberal Member for Davidson Jonathan O’Dea has moved a motion in Parliament today relating to Premier Rees’ public comments on the nomination of a new ICAC Commissioner.
Mr O’Dea, who is a member of the Parliamentary Joint Standing Committee on the ICAC, noted the Premier disclosed details of the proposed new Commissioner’s name, background, qualifications and recommendation for appointment.
“The Premier inappropriately disclosed this information after he had written to the Joint Parliamentary Committee on the ICAC but before the Committee had considered its statutory right of veto,” Mr O’Dea said.
“In making an unauthorised disclosure, I believe the Premier has shown contempt for Parliament. I have obtained expert legal advice, including from a Senior Counsel, which supports my interpretation,” Mr O’Dea said.
“At the very least, Nathan Rees has shown scant regard for due process.
“To announce details about the person nominated as the new Commissioner before the evidence has been considered by the Parliamentary Committee, is generally disrespectful, contemptuous and arrogant.
“Furthermore, the disclosures potentially jeopardised the nominee who might suffer enormous damage if rejected by the Committee,” Mr O’Dea said.
“I have given notice that I intend to bring the matter before the Parliament.
“The episode further demonstrates Nathan Rees’ incompetence and again highlights the disarray of the Labor Government, which increasingly appears distracted from getting on with the change NSW needs to fix the problems,” Mr O’Dea said.