Friday, 16 May 2008

Jonathan O’Dea, Member for Davidson today warned that despite a victory on preventing proposed compulsory acquisition laws, Minister Sartor is still intending to remove neighbours’ rights to have a say. 

“In the draft Planning Bill, Minister Sartor had proposed to give Government agencies and local councils the ability to compulsorily acquire land which could be on-sold to developers for a profit,” Mr O’Dea said.

“Following the Liberal/Nationals strong opposition and huge public outcry, Minister Sartor has bowed to pressure and removed this ‘grab for land’ from his final Planning Bill.

“People power won the day over Minister Sartor’s efforts to facilitate Government endorsed ‘theft’ of land.

“But Minister Sartor’s final Planning Bill still fails to give neighbours any prospective notification of developments that could be happening right next door.

“If a developer or neighbour wants to develop adjacent land, they can gain approval from the council before neighbours even know anything is going on!

“The Liberal/Nationals have told Labor that even basic neighbourly behaviour requires notification to go to adjacent property owners before the final decision.

“Of course if the development fits within the still to be announced ‘complying development codes’ the notification may only act to promote good neighbourly relations and a chance for neighbours to raise their concerns, which is still worthwhile.

“Allowing neighbours to raise their concerns is conducive to long-term good community relations and may lead to a collaborative change to the proposals.

“The Liberal/Nationals Coalition calls on Minister Sartor to ensure that as our community develops, so do good community relations.”

For further information, please call Jonathan O’Dea on 0418 241 500.