Monday, 04 March 2013

Two of the Davidson Electorate's most active, long term community workers have been recognised by the NSW State Government with prestigious Community Service Awards.

Member for Davidson, Jonathan O'Dea said, "The awards are well deserved and in each case recognise years of tireless work for the benefit of others.

Mary Armstrong, Belrose:

A former local High School Principal, Mary Armstrong's current focus is on protecting the local environment. For many years she was President of the Belrose Rural Community Association, which aims to protect the non-urban native bushland area of Belrose and Oxford Falls from the impact of development, retaining native habitat and wildlife corridors.

Mary represents her Association on the Community Advisory Committee for the Belrose Waste and Recycling Centre, again focussing on environmental issues but more recently on the end use of the landfill area for the community's benefit.

Mary is also involved with the Friends of Narrabeen Lagoon Catchment; and continues to actively participate in a monthly bushland regeneration program in association with Warringah Council.

Katrina Clark, Lindfield:

Katrina Clark has personal experience of the issues facing parents of a child with a disability, as her youngest child, Georgia, was born with a rare genetic condition resulting in profound disabilities.

Katrina lobbied the Government to seek funding for the production of Through The Maze and Helping You and Your Family, publications which have helped over 20,000 families across NSW.

She became involved with Association for Children with a Disability NSW (ACD NSW) when it first began in 2002 and held different positions on the Committee (including Presidency) over the following 10 years.

Katrina founded the disabilities group, Taskforce Independence. She also organised public forums for Carers NSW. She helped establish the movement behind the National Disability Insurance Scheme, tabling the proposal on behalf of Bruce Bonyhady at the 2020 Summit in 2008.

"I congratulate both Mary Armstrong and Katrina Clark on their wonderful work, which will benefit many people well into the future.

"On behalf of the local and broader community, I thank them for their selfless contributions and congratulate them on their NSW Government Community Service Awards," Mr O'Dea concluded.