Thursday, 31 May 2012

The Davidson electorate will benefit from $92,900 in grants from two NSW Government programs to improve recreational spaces around Sydney and along the Sydney Harbour foreshore.

The funding is from a $3.6 million allocation to councils and other groups in the latest round of the Metropolitan Greenspace Program and the Sharing Sydney Harbour Access Program.

Member for Davidson, Jonathan O’Dea said the walking track from Rocky Creek to Koola Park was among 23 projects receiving funding under the latest round of the Metropolitan Greenspace Program (MGP). The program allows State and Local Government to jointly improve regionally-significant open space for recreational purposes.

"This year, I am delighted that $40,000 has been awarded to Ku-ring-gai Council for the construction of a new walking track from Rocky Creek to Koola Park," Mr O'Dea said.

“The new bush track will provide walking access to Garigal National Park at Rocky Creek from Koola Park at East Killara.”

Meanwhile, the Two Creeks Track is among 17 projects receiving funding from the latest round of the Sharing Sydney Harbour Access Program (SSHAP). This funding helps local councils, other government agencies and community groups to improve public access and enjoyment of Sydney Harbour and its tributaries.

“Our local area will benefit from $52,900 for stage four of the Two Creeks Track project," Mr O'Dea said.

“Ku-ring-gai Council has been awarded the funds to construct a 140m boardwalk, to be known as the Salt Marsh Boardwalk, on the Middle Harbour foreshore at East Lindfield . This project will formalise access to the water’s edge and protect salt marsh habitat.”

"The SSHAP is an important initiative which is increasing links between bushland, parks, waterways and centres through State and Local Government working together," Mr O'Dea concluded.