Modified versions of football, netball and gymnastics should be available in the Davidson electorate as part of a $100,000 NSW Government initiative to help older people keep active and improve social connections.
Jonathan O’Dea today welcomed the Modified Sports Program for seniors, a new partnership with Football NSW, Netball NSW and Gymnastics NSW.
“The NSW Government wants to remove barriers that may prevent older people from participating in the games they love, and ensure they are reaping the rewards of sport,” Mr O’Dea said.
“I encourage all older people in the northern region to find out what new competitions and classes are on offer so they can start kicking goals while improving their health and wellbeing.”
Modifications to sporting codes include rule changes such as the introduction of “walking” in football and netball matches, and tailored gymnastics activities to cater for different levels of ability.
Minister for Ageing, Tanya Davies, said the NSW Government wants to ensure older people in NSW have the opportunity to lead healthy, active and happy lives.
“Seniors can prove age is no barrier for those wanting to participate in sports in their communities. This program not only promotes social connections but also improved mobility, strength and coordination,” Mrs Davies said.
The Modified Sports Program is an initiative of the NSW Ageing Strategy 2016-2020 - bringing government and non-government sectors together to respond to the opportunities and challenges faced by our older population.
To register or for more information about modified football, netball or gymnastics visit:
- Football NSW – (02) 8814 4400
- Netball NSW – (02) 9951 5000
- Gymnastics NSW – (02) 9763 5011 or
Comments from partners of the Modified Sporting Program
Football NSW Member Services Manager, Matt Rippon:
“Football NSW Walking Football programs aims to target inactivity in our ageing population and provide a football opportunity for all participants no matter their age or ability.”
Netball NSW General Manager Sport Development, Nikki Horton:
“Netball NSW is pleased to have entered into a partnership with FACS to develop a modified Netball program that will remove barriers to participation for older people and will allow everyone to experience health and social benefits of the sport.”
Gymnastics NSW Marketing Manager, Kait Bastion:
“Gymnastics NSW believe that by starting in gymnastics you can go anywhere. The success of this program comes from the simple things that participants are able to achieve after participating.”