Monday, 14 August 2017

Member for Davidson, Jonathan O’Dea is calling on the community to nominate locations for the new ‘Return and Earn’ scheme.

Mr O’Dea said the scheme will deliver a 10 cent refund on eligible recycled products as either cash, electronic transfer or a voucher for in-store redemption.

“Eligible containers will include most glass, cans, plastic and paperboard drink containers between 150 millilitres and three litres.

“The new 10-cent Container Deposit Scheme should significantly reduce the impact of rubbish in the environment, including in our streams, waterways, bushland, parks and roadways,” Mr O’Dea said.

“It will also provide a valuable fundraising opportunity for schools, community groups and sporting organisations. Such groups already share in millions of dollars annually where similar schemes have already been established.

“Under the program, more than 800 reverse vending machines will operate across NSW, including at 270 sites in the Greater Sydney Region, but the locations are not finalised.

“Residents can nominate their suggested sites by close of business on Thursday, 24 August,” Mr O’Dea said.

Nominations can be made by emailing  

The roll-out of reverse vending machines is a first for Australia, with Queensland set to follow next year.

Qualifying containers can be returned for a 10 cent refund from 1 December 2017, when the ‘Return and Earn’ Scheme commences.

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